Monday, 12 March 2012


Kirklees college in Dewsbury is part of Leeds Metropolitan University. At Kirklees I will be able to  complete my full BA honours fashion degree with their top up course. If I was to get accepted into the fashion course at Kirklees I would have to try and find a student flat or some sort of cheap accommodation for the year. To save on money it might be easier to live in the Leeds met halls for one year, however, if Sarah and Leonie also get accepted onto the course it may work out cheaper for us to house/flat share for the year away from home.


 On the 2nd February Sarah Barron Leonie Dury and myself travelled for just over 2 hours to attend the open day we arrive in Dewsbury around mid day to help us get our bearings of the town and the surrounding are to the college itself, however, we thought the town was going to be a lot bigger then it was so we spend most of the day walking round in circles in the town to try and waste some time before the open day started at 5pm. Whilst in Deswbury we thought it would be a good idea to see what type of accommodation we could afford between the three of us, however, there wasn't much choice on the market as many student accommodation isn't free until at least June time.  When we finally arrived at the open day the course leader Samantha Hudson greeted us and made us feel very welcome into the college, she gave us a quick guided tour of the fashion department and explained in depth all about the course and what the top up year in tails. Sam went through each module and asked if we had done something similar on our current course. Through out the time spent at the open day I felt like I could approach Sam easily and found that she was happy to answer and questions we had. Before we left the open evening she gave us more information and a DVD of last years fashion show to watch at home.

From the open day I was left feeling like I would easily fit in and get along with the tutors on the course I was excited for my interview with Sam and felt a lot better and comforted that I had met my interviewer before hand. My interview date is the 21/2/2012!!!

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